Attractive development opportunities

Education and advancement are among the central tasks of the University of Bern – to which key attention is paid at all levels. To that end, the professional goals of all university employees are defined and they are supported in their development. In particular, every effort is made to advance the academic career of young researchers. What is more, our wide choice of continuing education programs is also open to a broader circle of people.       

Personnel development

Zwei Personen führend sitzend ein Mitarbeitendengespräch

Be seen and supported

Performance and development goals are defined for and with all employees of the University of Bern. The respective superiors have meetings with staff at regular intervals, giving feedback on their performance and conduct. This forms the basis for further professional development prospects, with every effort made to support that development.    

Young researchers

Forschende und Studierende stehen vor einer Glaswand mit chemischen Formeln

Academic career

A particular focus is on promoting the career of young researchers. The goal is to enable them to achieve outstanding work in their academic career by providing suitable measures. The “Coordination Office for the promotion of early career researchers“ within the Vice-Rectorate Research offers a range of supportive options to that end. 

Continuing education

Teilnehmende an der Weiterbildung machen sich Notizen

Education in the broadest sense

A place where education happens must also include lifelong learning. This is relevant not only in relation to practiced professions, but also in terms of acquiring important social skills. The employees of the University of Bern are employees of the canton of Bern. As such, the canton’s wide choice of programs for training and further education is open to them as well. Furthermore, external continuing education may also be supported financially by us if it contributes to an employee’s professional development. The university also boasts its own impressive offering of continuing education options – not least by virtue of its public lectures that are also open to university employees.

Leadership and management

Kunst am Bau über Bibliothek hinter Hauptgebäude

Internal leadership education

A place where education happens must also include lifelong learning. This is relevant not only in relation to practiced professions, but also in terms of acquiring important social skills. The employees of the University of Bern are employees of the canton of Bern. As such, the canton’s wide choice of programs for training and further education is open to them as well. Furthermore, external continuing education may also be supported financially by us if it contributes to an employee’s professional development. The university also boasts its own impressive offering of continuing education options – not least by virtue of its public lectures that are also open to  university employees.